
stick wars

he was full of anger... and glue. wandering with a slight slant, waiting for the bus in front of barnard. the little lady said he was stiffing glue. we only saw the spit. the tiny particles of madness coming at our faces. and his face. crinkled and monster like, lost and forgotten. his tight fit lips flickering, stammering in random directions. and then right in our faces. "you ffffucking bbbitch. yah, you, you fffffucking lesbians." spit. spit. spit. i moved j behind me. stepped up close to his now half frightened self, with my puffed feathers and boldness. feeling nothing. my little passive self. "if you do that again, i'm going to hit you with this stick, do you see?" (i don't recall this) little lady very close and motherly, "sniffing glue, been sniffing glue..." spithead: "ffffuck youuu.." j pulls me back to her, far away but still too close. still numb and not thinking.