
what, people? no thanks.

she wanted to venture outside the woods.
--- i said "what, people? no thanks."

we heard middlebury has a nice farmer's market. so we drive the
10 or so miles to check it out. we are in need of some fresh fruit
& veggies, craving them in fact. but it turns out there is not
much going on here. a lot of staring?
more crafts than food, more money cups for the sister
playing guitar than recycling stations. we do however pick up some
amazing goats cheese and some wheat bread that has a slightly
sweet honey taste that makes me happy. we place the fresh
spinach on the cheese & bread pieces and
eat our lunch overlooking a small waterfall. we can't stop smiling.

j says she has a hard time coming back to the woods after going
to civilization. i reply i have a similar problem. its tough for me
to go to civilization after being in the woods. she knows who
i am, she is not surprised.

i have been told many times that i would really like burlington.
but it is really the drive in that caused awe.

down town surprises me. chain stores everywhere.
streets have been closed off to provide a boardwalk
carnival experience, walking down the middle of a mall. busy
bustling shoppers going in & coming out with fancy clothes,
mint foam latte double steamers & purses.
(some made of high quality hemp of course) but as we always
seem to do, we find our little haven in the chaos. the
peace & justice store lies smack dab in the center of this mess.
slow moving queer activists, with signs & markers in their
backpacks just in case (cause you don't really know where
rebellion will strike) & reggae music offset
the unbalanced craziness from outside. finally. we pick
up some damn good bumper stickers, a positive news &
head back through what now seems like an illusion.

we found lake access. a bench to sit on to take the view in.
we don't know how the kid next to us can continue to read
his book: we are madly in love. with the scene, with the water,
with each other- giggling, taking pictures, holding hands.
then we have moments of silence, where we just stare out into
the open breeze, catching glimpses of grand design & harmony.
the mountains rise gracefully from the other side of the lake,
reaching towards the night's constellations, the edge of the globe.
we are drawn to water, though she prefers the ocean, we still
get calm & focused here. the same kid in a look we try to pin-
point just for the hell of it walks by twice.

"alright" i say, "i'm ready for some people."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.