
24/20 in the woods

i'm not sure why it took me so long to post this, but here it finally is - some short thoughts about the gathering. pictures to come. it is obvious they are here, in this specific place, for me. and i, at this specific time, for them. it has never been so clear. it is also clear that these static ideas like place & time don't exist as i thought. this is the magic of gatherings. this is the magic of us gathering. this magic i speak of is not black or an illusion or a trick. it's the way the universe works. i only call it magic because of its abilities to affect me & others. it's not always obvious as to what i am supposed to be picking up. i've created quite a web of a filter over the years mostly because of the media and the city. with constant inputs passings and movement i begin to think its all just one big giant mess. but i know better. i've experienced things only few would nod their heads to. there are people who have completely turned my life around in sudden quick passings. ( be it the someone i met at a gas station off of 96 or in the bathroom at a show) there are those who've have created so much love and compassion in me & that is only the tip of the snowman's carrot nose. here i have the 24/20 vision that allows me to see between the lines and down the alley way. no, i didn't type that wrong, i have beyond the normal perfect vision. and i can feel this happening before i arrive, when my heart strings start pulling. & when that happens i know amazing experiences are about to happen & they help me remember who i am and what i am about. -- here is where i take refuge, here is where i go for my guidance when i feel lost. i left late for the alleghenys and it got dark quick. i knew there was no way i'd be able to pack it all in, especially if parking was miles away from the actual site. so i imagined someone there for me, that would just be there in the pitch black night to accompany my lonely tired body so i could relax and smoke until my eyes closed. (i had other unconscious thoughts and questions but they were in my heart beating waves out to whoever was to find them.) when i arrived there was broccoli, the tripping 25 year old spectator of the stars. she was kind and humorous and talkative, questioning everything but her motivations as to why. she was a nice companion, someone i felt safe with, at ease with. and i laughed more than i thought my body would allow me to. we spoke like i haven't been able to speak in a while - basically because there was a lack of other(s) to understand it. anyone outside of the wherever we were would have thought we were crazy, but we never misunderstood each other, i kept finishing sentences, she kept going "wow, you get it." of course. i stayed awake as long as i could then we split to our separate cars and i slept like a baby in my back seat. after the day began and the heat forced me out of my car, i got up and sat in a meadow of grasses and sun. from there until i left i met my friends over again. i met my friends early that first morning, who i remained with the remainder of the time. they showed me their dreams and the 'coincidences' that brought them there. ---they look into my eyes here. i hold their stares. we are not afraid what we will find. we already know each other. the gathering had such a nice homely vibe. it was small & intimate with enough space for alone time, enough silence for meditation. a couple of dread headed kids made a pirate ship out of fallen tree & held captive anyone who did not pay the fee going through 'their' path. they raised chaotic splendor while their parents prepared dinner. someone chose to come by horse, & he set her lose to wander around from camp to camp slowly, she always returned to him. one of my favorite activities at the gatherings are the dinner circles, even if i don't eat i participate. we take each other's hands and ohm. for as long as it goes. there's nothing like it. i've been seeing magic everywhere now. in dreams and waking and in the eyes of strangers. i pray for its continuance and my ability to recognize it.

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